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ATO 51 Almost a Miracle
Almost a Miracle! uses our successful Tarleton's Quarter! as a game engine starting point to bring the Northern "half" of the American Revolution into play. Will the British be able to impose "the King's Peace" on the northern colonies or will the revolution survive to birth a new nation?
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Disponible el: 31/01/2014
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Atención: 10 Rapidez: 10 Seguridad: 10 Planetongames es la tienda de referencia de nuestro club cuando queremos adquirir un wargame o juego temático. Algo muy difícil para una empresa de fuera de Madrid pero que lo han conseguido sin duda alguna....
Sin ánimo de desmerecer a ninguna otra tienda on-line española (y he tratado con otras sin tener jamás un problema con ellas), para mí Planteongames es la referencia absoluta por la que medir la excelencia. Soy incapaz...
Perfecto todo, atención, precios y el trato recibido, un 10. Tienda muy recomendable, repetiré compra.
Muy rapido y muy profissional! Muchas Gracias!!
Perfecto. Ha sido la primera compra y desde luego que volveré a comprar aquí. Buenos precios, buena disponibilidad y trato exquisito. Recomendable 100%
He adquirido Spirit Island y Guerra del Anillo en ocasiones separadas. En los dos casos el envío fue rapidísimo y los precios adecuados. Recomiendo 100%
Como siempre, excelente servicio, 5*. Solicité ayuda para saber qué juego elegir a John y tan amablemente como de costumbre me recomendó unos juegos y el que elegí con su recomendación le ha encantado al niño. Envío super rápido. Pedido hecho el...
Mejor selección Wargame que he visto en una tienda. Muy buen servicio.
Almost a Miracle! uses our successful Tarleton's Quarter! as a game engine starting point to bring the Northern "half" of the American Revolution into play. Will the British be able to impose "the King's Peace" on the northern colonies or will the revolution survive to birth a new nation?
The map and victory conditions for Almost a Miracle! show players why battles took place in key areas but also lets players explore those seemingly odd tertiary campaigns, like Halifax, Fort Pitt, and Quebec.
Designer David Jones forces both sides to deal with their own challenges. The British consistently failed to "live off the land" and had to buy or ship food to sustain their armies, while the Continentals struggled with purchasing power and transportation.
The game handles battles in both large and small scale, as both were critical to the War's outcome, with a system that models 18th Century combat and how it differed from later times, where morale, readiness, leadership, and mere chance all could be "the" critical factor at one time or another, and disease and desertion could be an army's biggest killer.
Special rules cover the short enlistments of the Continentals, the uncertainty of French support and entry, prisoner exchanges, and the variable support of Loyalists and Native Americans. Both sides faced challenges they did not expect, and both sides contributed nearly as much to their own failures as they achieved in victory. The game will provide insights into how narrowly the Americans succeeded and how close the British came to their own victory.
- Boardgamegeek .
- Players: 2
- Duración: 180 min.
- Language: ENGLISH
- Age: 14+
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