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Albion's Legacy is a cooperative, modular-adventure board game for 1-4 players, expandable to 6. The game allows players to participate as one of their favourite Arthurian characters ranging from the legendary wizard Merlin, the famous Lady of the Lake, the brave Sir Lancelot, and the great King Arthur himself.
No Disponible
Disponible el: 25/03/2014
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Fabulosos, fabulosos, gracias chicos que majos sois, da gustito así, de veras. Un besito.
Hola a todos, Escribo estas letras porque hace poco tiempo que compré \"Saipan the bloody rock\" y he quedado encantado con el servvicio prestado por Planetaongames. Me atendieron estupendamente, me resolvieron una duda por wasap y en cuanto llegó...
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Gracias a un video de Ketty JcK de Chile, conocí la tienda de Planeton Games. Jon es super profesional y el servicio mas que excelente, se esforzó por empacar el juego muy bien para que soportara el viaje trasatlántico lo cual como coleccionista...
Los mejores sin lugar a dudas. Gracias Jon.
Tienen un amplio catálogo de juegos, buenos precios y te envían tu pedido en un periquete. Además tienen un gran servicio postventa, cualquier problema te lo solucionan. Jon es un fenómeno. Gracias Planetongames.
Albion's Legacy is a cooperative, modular-adventure board game for 1-4 players, expandable to 6.
The game allows players to participate as one of their favourite Arthurian characters ranging from the legendary wizard Merlin, the famous Lady of the Lake, the brave Sir Lancelot, and the great King Arthur himself. These heroes will champion all that is good in 90 minutes as the players travel across the realm of Albion and face dangerous roaming threats, mythical beasts and deadly encounters.
Collect lore-enriched relics, artifacts, weapons and special awards under a heated deadline while solving some of the most famous historical and mythical chronicles of the Arthurian legend.
This game will challenge you, excite you, educate you and if you're not careful it will take you down (your character that is...) Everything you need is provided at the gaming table, just bring your friends, your love of Arthurian lore (knowledge of Arthurian lore optional) and your thirst for adventure! Onward! The Kingdom needs YOU!
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Albion's Legacy is a cooperative, modular-adventure board game for 1-4 players, expandable to 6. The game allows players to participate as one of their favourite Arthurian characters ranging from the legendary wizard Merlin, the famous Lady of the Lake, the brave Sir Lancelot, and the great King Arthur himself.