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Bismarck: The Last Battle is a solitaire game covering the last 5 days of the most feared German battleship in WWII. The game utilizes a card-driven battle system revolving around Bismarck’s operations, and provides the player with naval combat and damage control decisions as Bismarck and Prinz Eugen attempt to breakout into the Atlantic or reach safety in the port of Brest.
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Disponible el: 17/02/2023
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Aunque realice el pedido en muy malas fechas (campaña de reyes), el pedido llegó en los plazos establecidos y en perfecto estado.OS felicitó porque no suele ser lo normal..
Hola a todos, sólo tengo cosas buenas que contar de Planetongames. Seriedad y buen trato. Los pedidos llegan rápido y sin problemas. Sin duda alguna la recomiendo. Un saludo Jon.
Desde Chile les quiero agradecer por la rápida y buena atención, llegue ayer a mi casa y me encontré con los dos juegos que había pedido, una sorpresa lo rápido del envío y todo venia muy bien envuelto, por lo que llegó en perfectas condiciones....
Impresionante trabajo, como se nota cuando alguien sabe lo que hace. Un aplauso se merecen, mucha suerte.
De Jon solo se pueden decir cosas buenas,sino es que no le conoces.mejor tienda de juegos de mesa sin duda!
Mejor selección Wargame que he visto en una tienda. Muy buen servicio.
Fabulosos, fabulosos, gracias chicos que majos sois, da gustito así, de veras. Un besito.
Perfecto todo, atención, precios y el trato recibido, un 10. Tienda muy recomendable, repetiré compra.
Bismarck: The Last Battle is a compact, strategic-level solitaire game covering the last 5 days of operations of the most feared German battleship in WWII.
This game utilizes a unique and strategic card-driven battle system revolving around Bismarck's operations which will provide player with a multitude of decisions & tactics.
While extremely competitive as a solitaire game, Bismarck : The Last Battle is quite addictive for the player, as every repeatable battle is a struggle to survival.
The card-based battle system is a different take on the "normal" event/operations points driven systems. Separate card decks are provided for each game turn, in a total of 5 decks, including enemy units (carriers, planes, destroyers etc.) in a 100% historical approach.
Special rules are provided for Repairs, Fire, Damage Effects, Hull Meter, Weather Condition Track, Deck & Flak Gun Attacks, etc.
The main target of the player is to sink enemy warships, shot down enemy bombers and try to survive after the last 5th turn, to win the game.
Player can play a full campaign or choose to play one of 5 historical scenarios included.
Product Information:
Complexity: 4 out of 10
Time Scale: Single Day Turn with multiple cards plays per player
Map Scale: Area map
Unit Scale: Carriers, Battleships, Battlecruisers, Destroyers, Airplanes
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Bismarck: The Last Battle is a solitaire game covering the last 5 days of the most feared German battleship in WWII. The game utilizes a card-driven battle system revolving around Bismarck’s operations, and provides the player with naval combat and damage control decisions as Bismarck and Prinz Eugen attempt to breakout into the Atlantic or reach safety in the port of Brest.