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Combat! is a solitaire game on man to man combat in the 20th century. The player will control Friendly forces and attempt to complete a scenario against enemy forces that are controlled by the game system. At the start of each turn the player will play 1 card from their hand to the Initiative track.
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Mi tienda preferida para comprar juegos en el extranjero. Siempre con la excelente y rápida atención de Jon, Planetongames es mi alternativa para comprar en España. Envíos rápidos y sin complicaciones, que llegan en excelentes condiciones (a...
Tienda de referencia para la compra de mis wargames. Muy buen catálogo, novedades, importanción...El servicio es inmejorable; envío muy rápido y sin sorpresas. Un 10 en todo.
Excelente tienda con un servicio buenísimo. El trato de Owen es excepcional. Está a otro nivel.
Juegos muchos, demasiados, me he quedado sorprendido de la cantidad y de la amabilidad para explicar y aclarar a un neófito todas sus dudas. Gracias, volveré seguro.
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Acaba de llegar mi regalo de reyes, y el pedido lo hice ayer día 4 a las 17:00 de la tarde :-O , ¡olé olé Planetongamé!, gracias por alegrame el día, el contacto teléfonico genial y la atención al cliente superior. Lo recomiendo.
Combat! is a solitaire game on man to man combat in the 20th century. The player will control Friendly forces and attempt to complete a scenario against enemy forces that are controlled by the game system. At the start of each turn the player will play 1 card from their hand to the Initiative track. This card will determine the initiative values for each of the player’s friendly teams and may have other effects depending on the card. After this the player will assign orders to each character on his side. This will determine the actions that the character can take this turn. Once all of the friendly characters have orders assigned to them the player will draw an Enemy AI Card for each enemy team with alerted characters on the board. These cards will determine the Initiative value for each enemy character and the Order that they will receive. The Order determines the actions that an Enemy Character will take that turn.
The game turn is then played through in 4 Impulses. From the lowest initiative value to the highest each Character (Friendly and Enemy) each Character will perform the action specified on their Order counter. All Characters will act on Impulse 1 before moving to Impulse 2, then Impulse 3 and finally Impulse 4. At the end of the turn all Orders are removed and the played cards returned to the respective decks.
With multiple maps and nearly a 800 counters Combat! will keep you entertained for years to come.
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Combat! is a solitaire game on man to man combat in the 20th century. The player will control Friendly forces and attempt to complete a scenario against enemy forces that are controlled by the game system. At the start of each turn the player will play 1 card from their hand to the Initiative track.