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Escape: The Curse of the Temple is a real-time, cooperative game in which all players must escape from a temple after awakening an ancient curse. Players navigate through the temple by rolling dice and matching symbols to rooms, thereby gaining entry and visibility into adjacent rooms. So the temple "map" randomly unfolds as you explore further...
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Disponible el: 31/01/2014
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Solamente una palabra: Excelente!!! manolovila
Es la mejor tienda que conozco para wargames, son muy rápidos en los envíos, y tienen el stock mas completo que he visto, siempre que busco un juego lo tienen.
Planetongames es una de las mejores tiendas de juegos en Internet. Todas mis compras han sido satisfactorias, y Jon es un excelente profesional. Enhorabuena por la renovada web y gracias por todo.
Muy buen producto , la verdad la velocidad de envio fue mucho mejor de lo esperado, pense tardaria unos meses en llegar, estoy en san diego california, tomo 3 semanas en llegar y al principio estaba dudando y mandaba muchas preguntas y siemrpe...
He comprado muchos war games en esta web y siempre el servicio fue fantástico. La web es estupenda. Quizás se podrían mejorar los filtros de búsqueda. Con Planetongames, me encanta mirar que tienen en Stock y comprarlo. Así lo tengo en casa como...
Primera vez que compro. Todo excelente: se procesó rápido y el trato es muy bueno. Recomendado
Zorionak por la nueva web y todo el trabajo realizado para llevarla a cabo...! Sin duda el mejor profesional en su género con el más amplio catálogo e inmejorable servicio. Un abrazo y mucha suerte para afrontar con energias renovadas los nuevos...
The website has an excellent range of English language board games and has a tendency to get the latest releases in that language. Shipping to Madrid from this website typically means you will get the product the very same next working day via...
Escape: The Curse of the Temple is a real-time, cooperative game in which all players must escape from a temple after awakening an ancient curse. Players navigate through the temple by rolling dice and matching symbols to rooms, thereby gaining entry and visibility into adjacent rooms. So the temple "map" randomly unfolds as you explore further...every game is different! But as you explore, don't wander too far! All players must find the exit before the curse seals the adventurers in forever! The real-time aspect is enhanced by a soundtrack that is your timer for the game.
The Big Box Kickstarter Second Edition includes:
Escape: The Curse of the Temple
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Illusions (Expansion 1)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Quest (Expansion 2)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Traps (Expansion 3)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – The Pit (Queenie 1)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Doomed (Queenie 2)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Fountain (Queenie 4)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Quest Chambers (Queenie 5)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – The Maze (Queenie 6)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – New Characters (Queenie 7)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – The Maya Calendar (Queenie 8)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Exchange Chamber and Teleporter Chamber (Queenie 9)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Totem Chamber (Queenie 10)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – The Cursed Gems (Queenie 11)
Escape: The Curse of the Temple – Slide (Queenie 12)
Spiel des Jahres 2012
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Escape: The Curse of the Temple is a real-time, cooperative game in which all players must escape from a temple after awakening an ancient curse. Players navigate through the temple by rolling dice and matching symbols to rooms, thereby gaining entry and visibility into adjacent rooms. So the temple "map" randomly unfolds as you explore further...