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Streets of Ruin features the Combine and the Freemen Coalition factions, set in the Streets of Ruin campaign. The Freemen Coalition is a loose-knit band of human rebels who specialize in guerrilla warfare, and the Combine is the military arm of the government that rules over much of what is left of the world.
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Disponible el: 28/11/2014
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¡Esta web es la repanocha! me en canta sumergirme en el catálogo y disfrutar de tantos y tantos juegos increibles, ¡aunque no tenga un duro! ;-)
PlanetonGames finalmente consiguió un nuevo aspecto, más moderno. Sigo siendo yo para aclimatarse al nuevo sitio, pero sin duda no será largo .
Me encanta vuestra web. De un día para otro los juegos en casa por un coste muy razonable. Me gustaría que se pudiera filtrar por solo en Stock y no solo ordenar, pero en general muy bien.
Una de las mejores webs de compra online de juegos de mesa ,gran catálogo ,buenos precios ,seriedad y rapidez, recomendada 100% sin duda volveré a confiar en ellos.
El pedido me ha llegado de un dia para otro. En perfectas condiciones de conservacion y embalaje.Un 10 para planetongames !
Sin duda la mejor tienda online. Seria y cercana. El trato es inmejorable. Cualquier problema que surja te lo solucionan enseguida. Para mi es siempre la primera opción. Seguid así y no cambiéis nunca!!! Recomendada al 1000%
Es la primera vez que compro y la verdad quedé encantada. Acá en Argentina no venden juegos de mesa y esta página me vino como anillo al dedo. Me respondieron todas las dudas que tuve rapidísimo y con muy buena predisposición. Fue todo tal cual lo...
Conozco a Jon y a su Web Planetongames desde principios de 2009. Su trato y bien hacer es incomparable. Más que un Tendero, es un Amigo ;)
For What Remains is a skirmish-level series of three wargames set in a post-apocalyptic near future:
* Streets of Ruin
* Blood on the Rails.
* Out of the Basement
Streets of Ruin features the Combine and the Freemen Coalition factions, set in the Streets of Ruin campaign. The Freemen Coalition is a loose-knit band of human rebels who specialize in guerrilla warfare, and the Combine is the military arm of the government that rules over much of what is left of the world.
The game is designed for 2-player competitive play or solitaire play, and each set can be played by itself standalone, or combined with other sets to form a larger narrative. Players control characters from one of the game’s six Factions.
There are two ways to play For What Remains: skirmishes and campaigns. Skirmishes are standalone games played for a single victory, with no lasting repercussions. Campaigns are a series of skirmishes linked together to form a larger narrative. For What Remains is a scenario driven game. Each scenario typically has multiple objectives, and combat between factions is usually secondary. Players win skirmishes by gaining victory points through accomplishing these objectives.
The game board is built from modular tiles which are themed to represent different environments. The default game board is a destroyed urban setting. Players build the game board with nine modular tiles, each of which are divided into a 7x7 grid. Characters use the grids for movement.
Each character is represented by a counter and has a corresponding character card and tokens. During campaign play, characters improve their attributes and develop new abilities as they progress from Recruit to Veteran and then Elite level. A chit pull system is used for unit activation, and a step-loss system is used for tracking injuries during skirmishes.
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Streets of Ruin features the Combine and the Freemen Coalition factions, set in the Streets of Ruin campaign. The Freemen Coalition is a loose-knit band of human rebels who specialize in guerrilla warfare, and the Combine is the military arm of the government that rules over much of what is left of the world.