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"In the Shadows" is a two-player card-driven wargame about the desperate struggle of the French Resistance against the occupying Nazi and collaborating French forces between January 1943 and June 1944. In the game you will play as either the Resistance or the Occupation in a fight over the hearts and minds of the French People. The game strives to have players better understand the nuances of the Resistance and the clandestine nature of the fight that led to the founding of the modern French Republic.
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In the Shadows will also offer a narrative solitaire option where players can take on the role of a leader of the Resistance movement. These different playable characters will allow for diverse experiences against a challenging Occupation automata. Using the same mechanics as the two player game, the solo option is focused on a more immersive gaming experience. This makes "In the Shadows" unique in that players will essentially be able to enjoy two different wargames in the same box.
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"In the Shadows" is a two-player card-driven wargame about the desperate struggle of the French Resistance against the occupying Nazi and collaborating French forces between January 1943 and June 1944. In the game you will play as either the Resistance or the Occupation in a fight over the hearts and minds of the French People. The game strives to have players better understand the nuances of the Resistance and the clandestine nature of the fight that led to the founding of the modern French Republic.