Merv: The Heart of the Silk Road (English)

    Merv: The Heart of the Silk Road (English)

    Merv The Heart of the Silk Road is a tense economic game charting the rise and fall of the greatest city in the world.
    In Merv, players are vying to amass power and wealth in the prosperous heart of the Silk Road. Through careful court intrigue, timely donations to the grand mosque, and favorable trade deals, players attempt to redirect as much of that prosperity as possible into their own pockets

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    55,00 €
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    Envíos en 24-48h.
    Gratis o 3,99 €
    672 403 198
    C/ Julián Zugazagotia, 5 Lonja 2 48003 - BILBAO - España
    ¿Enfundamos tus cartas?
    Número de cartas:
    6 american standard (56x88mm), 42 Mini Euro (45x68mm)
    Tipo de fundas para cartas
    Formato AMERICANO ESTANDAR: "57 X 89 mm Fundas GAMEGENIC Americano 50 unidades (verde)" Ó "56 X 87 mm Fundas Mayday Americanas 100 unidades (púrpura)." VER PRODUCTOS RELACIONADOS PARA COMPRAR
    Tipo de fundas pequeñas
    Formato EUROPEO MINI: "45 X 68 mm Fundas Mayday Mini Euro 100 unidades (azul)" Ó "45 X 69 mm Fundas GAMEGENIC Mini (rojas)." VER PRODUCTOS RELACIONADOS PARA COMPRAR
    Descripción del juego

    Merv: The Heart of the Silk Road is a tense economic game charting the rise and fall of the greatest city in the world.

    In Merv, players are vying to amass power and wealth in the prosperous heart of the Silk Road. Through careful court intrigue, timely donations to the grand mosque, and favorable trade deals, players attempt to redirect as much of that prosperity as possible into their own pockets.

    Meanwhile, beyond the city walls Mongol hordes approach. If you help construct the city walls, you give up on precious opportunities to build up your own stature, but leave it unprotected and you will burn with the city. Every decision is weighty and the consequences of each misstep are dire. Will you rise to prominence or fade into oblivion?

    • More info at BGG
    • Players: 1-4
    • Playing time: 90 min.
    • Language: English
    • Language dependence: null

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