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In Oh Captain!, an asymmetric game of changing roles, an adventurer must offer the loot cards they draw to the Captain, telling the Captain something about what the cards contain but not necessarily speaking truthfully. Indeed, some cursed objects can't be spoken of at all by the adventurers.
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Disponible el: 31/01/2014
No hay preguntas de los clientes por ahora.
Esta tienda ya era mi tienda de cabecera desde hace muchos años. El Extenso catalogo, el trato al cliente y en definitiva que siempre quedo satisfecho, hace que mi opinión siga inalterada. Pero es que ahora con esta nueva web.... NO TENGO...
He encontrado un filón de preciosos y divertidos juguetes para mis hijas, que educados son, sigan así.
Hands down my favorite board games store. Always updated on the latest from the board game industry; Incredible website and a huge amount of games in stock; Extremely fast and professional customer support. Thank you Jon for this amazing store.
Mi segunda compra con Planeton games ha sido tan satisfactoria como la primera. La página web está muy bien diseñada, es atractiva y ayuda mucho. Gracias
No se puede trabajar mejor. Me puse en contacto con ellos el sábado, me contestaron el mismo sábado, hablamos el domingo, lo enviaron el lunes y tengo mis 2 juegazos el martes a la hora de comer. De verdad, enhorabuena por el trato y el servicio....
Cliente desde 2007 sempre fui bem tratado pelo Jon, é um prazer comprar nesta loja.
Desde Chile les quiero agradecer por la rápida y buena atención, llegue ayer a mi casa y me encontré con los dos juegos que había pedido, una sorpresa lo rápido del envío y todo venia muy bien envuelto, por lo que llegó en perfectas condiciones....
Fantástico, servicio en 24h. Estoy gratamente sorprendida. Muy buena atención. No había comprado nunca y sin ninguna duda repetiré.
Our intrepid adventurers have sailed on a journey, finding the hidden cave of a mythic monster. There are so many strange things there! The Captain allows the crew to search through the place and bring back to him what they have found, but by bluffing the Captain, they will try to keep the best part of the loot for themselves...
In Oh Captain!, an asymmetric game of changing roles, an adventurer must offer the loot cards they draw to the Captain, telling the Captain something about what the cards contain but not necessarily speaking truthfully. Indeed, some cursed objects can't be spoken of at all by the adventurers.
The Captain, who is safe from being attacked by objects, decides whether the crew member can keep the loot or not, and if the Captain turns down the offer, the crew member can decide to use an object against another adventurer. The latter player can overcome this by calling out a lie, winning or losing a coin based on who is right. The role of the Captain can be claimed by any adventurer who is richer than the Captain, and in the end the richest adventurer wins the game.
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In Oh Captain!, an asymmetric game of changing roles, an adventurer must offer the loot cards they draw to the Captain, telling the Captain something about what the cards contain but not necessarily speaking truthfully. Indeed, some cursed objects can't be spoken of at all by the adventurers.