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Patton’s Vanguard The Battle of Arracourt
Patton’s Vanguard: The Battle of Arracourt, 1944, is a two-play area movement game that simulates the German counterattacks in the Lorraine region of France. As the summer of 1944 drew to a close and Combat Command A of the American 4th Armored Division passed through the French town of Arracourt the war seemed all but over.
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Disponible el: 31/01/2014
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Impresionante trabajo, como se nota cuando alguien sabe lo que hace. Un aplauso se merecen, mucha suerte.
Adquirí el juego Saboteur (mas expansión) para un regalo con el tiempo un poco justo, y no pude quedar más contenta con la entrega! Eran fechas complicadas y lo recibí antes de lo esperado incluso; un servicio excelente. En cuanto al propio juego...
Whenever I want a new boardgame I think Planetóngames. It's cheap, fast and Jon is the most friendly seller on the globe. I can't stop coming back for more. Planetóngames is a MUST.
Planeton Games posee la magia de las mejores librerías de juegos. En ella tendrás a tu alcance una vasta variedad de títulos para todos los gustos y edades, desde los juegos más carismáticos hasta esas obras maestras que pasan desapercibidas y son...
Sinceramente no veo nada que mejorar, el servicio excelente, es mas tuve un pequeño problema al hacer el pedido, culpa mia, y me lo solucionaron rápida y amablemente. Totalmente recomendable.
Hola a todos los compañeros jugadores. Por ahora solo he hecho 2 compras porque estoy metiéndome poco a poco en este mundillo tan entretenido. Decir que los 2 juegos que compre lo hice aquí porque tenían los mejores precios, y ya se sabe como...
Excelente servicio en todos los sentidos. Es siempre una de mis primeras opciones, sino la primera, cuando quiero incorporar un juego a la ludoteca :) Recomendado 100%
Desde hace años mi confianza en comprar juegos de mesa la tengo depositada en PlanetonGames. Por su servicio, comunicación rápida y precio. Es muy sobresaliente el cambio en la web. Enhorabuena.
Patton’s Vanguard: The Battle of Arracourt, 1944, is a two-play area movement game that simulates the German counterattacks in the Lorraine region of France. As the summer of 1944 drew to a close and Combat Command A of the American 4th Armored Division passed through the French town of Arracourt the war seemed all but over. It seemed as if nothing could stop the Americans from forcing their way across the German border and reaching the Rhine River. The weather, however, was rapidly deteriorating and Allied air reconnaissance failed to detect a counteroffensive by the German 5th Panzer Army. The stage was set for the largest clash of armor on the western front until the Battle of the Bulge.
The game consists of two quick-playing four turn scenarios depicting the German attempt to drive the Americans from the German border. The first scenario (September 19 - 22, 1944) pits two inexperienced German panzer brigades against a confident and veteran Combat Command A. The German side has more armor, including the superior Panther tank, and the poor weather generally favors them, but the American side has more artillery as well as better tactics and leadership. The second scenario (September 25-28, 1944) pits the experienced German 11th Panzer Division against Combat Command A and the newly arrived Combat Command B, now hampered by restricted fuel supplies. In each scenario both players will be challenged to determine whether it is better to simply attack, or spend valuable time attempting to maneuver in continually changing weather conditions before attacking. Fast, furious, and chess-like, this is a game for players who love concentrated action!
Game Scale:
Game Turn: 1 day
Area: 1" = .75 mile / 1.21 kilometers
Units: Company
Game Inventory:
1 - 22 x 17" full color map
176 - full color 5/8" die-cut counters
16 Page Rule Booklet
Ziploc Bag
Solitaire Playability: Medium
Complexity Level: Medium
Players: 2 or more
Playing Time: 3 hours
- Página del juego en Boardgamegeek .
- Jugadores: 1-2
- Duración: 200 min.
- Lenguaje: Inglés
- Dependencia del lenguaje: Alta
- Edad: 14+
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