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Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs is a card-based game for 1 to 8 players that depicts tank-to-tank warfare on the Eastern Front of World War II in the early to mid 1940s. It attempts to convey the claustrophobia and urgency that tank crews experienced in this bitter conflict, utilizing a simple action system to keep the action moving at a rapid pace.
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Disponible el: 31/10/2017
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Este año 2016 descubrí este sitio y quedé maravillado con una tienda bien surtida, un trato afable de parte de Jon, y muy entusiasmado con la lista de juegos sorprendentes para los fanáticos de los juegos de mesa. Mi compra llegó en perfectas...
He encontrado un filón de preciosos y divertidos juguetes para mis hijas, que educados son, sigan así.
Por dónde empezar... ¿Nueve años dices que llevamos? Pues qué pocos. Los siento como de toda la vida. ¿Qué puedo decir de Jon, Planeton, Planeton, Jon? Creo que el funcionamiento de la tienda es el fiel reflejo de este tío. Amable, amigable,...
De lujo la atención y el profesionalismo de Jon. Recomendables!
One of the best online stores in Europe, always with the latest boardgames at low prices. Excellent service and extremely fast deliveries.
Compramos en Planeton desde hace ya más de 6 años, y además de buen tendero, Jon siempre colabora con nosotros en todas nuestras actividades, ayudándonos continuamente a difundir los juegos de mesa. Un compromiso que no tiene todo el mundo dentro...
Excelente atencion. El envio llego en dos dias al pais y a la semana ya los tenia. Caja muy bien embalada, todo llego intacto.
The day dawns like any other. The sun makes its way low over the misty horizon and stays low in the Autumn sky this morning. All is as it has always been in the fields and meadows of the Steppes. Commander Garrison Dietrich raises himself through the cupola of the Tiger he commands and begins to scan the landscape. He looks left to right, right to left searching the fields for his target. He breaths in deep. The scent of metal and leather, sweat and stale cigarettes, rises from inside the musty tank. He studies the landscape and he listens. With heart pounding and senses alert he is poised…. anticipating. For Commander Dietrich, tank to tank warfare is more than a duel. Beyond the field-rocket artillery, the bombers and U-Boats, the single-seat fighters, beyond the 88mm Flak, is the Tiger. His Tiger and platoon, only the T-34s of the Red Army standing between them and victory!
Suddenly, to his right, geese startle from the tall, drying grass of the field. They fly fast and out of view quickly. Commander Dietrich turns his gaze sharply to the right and there, indistinctly outlined, silent, foreboding...his eyes make contact with it - a Russian T34.
Inside the tank, his team is alert and ready. In the confined space of the tank they are in position. Through the radio they hear the call, "I spot 'em at 1600, 1600!!" Through the narrow rectangular window the driver attempts to locate the T34. An AP shell is loaded into the breech. The gunner yells, "Ready to fire!" His heart, too, is pounding. Loud sounds now, the gears, the clacking of Bogey wheels over terrain, the vibration of the motor...then, "Hull down, hull down," is called out to the driver. The Commander orders, "Traverse, traverse...TRAVERSE!" The turret moves slowly, the sounds of machinery moving but slow, too slow! The alert gunner feels the rush. "I've got 'em in my sights, 1400...1200! Do you see him, do you see him?" The panic, the fear, the adrenaline are palpable. "I've got 'em sir, I've got 'em!!" The anticipated command comes as the tanks advance..."FIRE!" The gunner aims, pulls the lever, and its SHELL AWAY….
Players will issue commands with the use of battle cards and attempt to score victory points by claiming objectives and eliminating their opponent's tanks and crew.
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Tank Duel: Enemy in the Crosshairs is a card-based game for 1 to 8 players that depicts tank-to-tank warfare on the Eastern Front of World War II in the early to mid 1940s. It attempts to convey the claustrophobia and urgency that tank crews experienced in this bitter conflict, utilizing a simple action system to keep the action moving at a rapid pace.