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The Lamps Are Going Out is a fast-paced game of strategic decision making in the First World War for two to four players. There are two Alliances – Central Powers and Triple Entente – each divided into two Factions. The Central Powers player controls the Germany and Central Allies (Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria) Factions while the Triple Entente player has the Western Allies
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Disponible el: 31/01/2014
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Siempre atento, pendiente de ti, antes que productos información util para el aficionado, directo y personal. Mi tienda on-line favorita.
El servicio brindado es excelente. Te reserva los juegos, te consigue lo que le pedís y se encuentre dentro de sus posibilidades, es un lujo ¿Debería ser un poco mejor su página? Tal vez, pero no importa, porque le escribís y le preguntas por tal...
Um serviço rápido e eficiente desde há muitos anos. Se os jogos estão em stock, são recebidos em 24 horas (em Lisboa) . Planetongames é uma referência totalmente merecida. Parabéns Jon.
Ha sido la primera vez que compro en Planetongames y seguro que repetiré. Muy buen catálogo, buenos precios y rápido envío.
Tomé tiempo para pensar que juego quería, pero cuando llegó el momento de comprar dudé, muchos juegos. Si te pasa lláma, eso hice yo y soberbia la atención, y el juego en casa diligentemente en 24 horas. Gracias de un novel, mil elogios.
Cariño total de esta tienda, loving todo de cabo a rabo, atentisimo Jon (un amor), y en persona más.
Perfecto. Siempre. Gran profesional. Y con una atención personalizada que otorga la seguridad necesaria para dar la confianza.Siempre vuelvo. Muchas gracias.
Apoio ao cliente fantástico o staff é atencioso e simpático, serviço de entrega barato e rápido, preços em geral os mais baratos das lojas dentro da UE. Altamente recomendado.\r\n\r\nExcellent customer service, delivery and pricing. Highly...
The Lamps Are Going Out is a fast-paced game of strategic decision making in the First World War for two to four players.
There are two Alliances – Central Powers and Triple Entente – each divided into two Factions. The Central Powers player controls the Germany and Central Allies (Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria) Factions while the Triple Entente player has the Western Allies (Great Britain, Belgium, France and Italy) and Eastern Allies/US (Russia, Serbia, Romania and United States) Factions.
A game turn consists of:
Event Card Phase
Movement Phase (up to two units may be moved)
Combat Phase (cards are played to support combat)
Production Phase (players spend production points to rally armies, invest in new technology, or lend points to other players)
Players must make critical decisions each turn as to how to spend their scarce resources. Production Points are required to Refit spent units, build new units, construct trenches, conduct research, etc. The combat system is very simple, but yields tremendous excitement and that “just one more attack should do it” feeling. Event cards allow for all sorts of historical situations, conditions, leaders, political events and so on. Everything that would be important in a WWI simulation is considered in this game.
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The Lamps Are Going Out is a fast-paced game of strategic decision making in the First World War for two to four players. There are two Alliances – Central Powers and Triple Entente – each divided into two Factions. The Central Powers player controls the Germany and Central Allies (Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria) Factions while the Triple Entente player has the Western Allies