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Battleground: Fantasy Warfare is a point-based miniatures game – but without the miniatures. Battleground uses cards rather than painted models to represent your forces. This means a much lower price as well as easier transportation and setup, but don’t be fooled – this is not a “light” war game or a CCG.
Battleground: Fantasy Warfare is a point-based miniatures game – but without the miniatures. Battleground uses cards rather than painted models to represent your forces. This means a much lower price as well as easier transportation and setup, but don’t be fooled – this is not a “light” war game or a CCG. Battleground is a serious, award-winning wargame that will challenge you at every step, from army design and deployment to tactical maneuvers and command decisions until battle’s end.
The Dwarves of Runegard combines mighty infantry units with the power of magic runes kept sacred over countless generations. Whether veteran Longbeards, units of miners called from the depths of the mountains or legions of Battleaxemen, the forces of Runegard yield to no army.
Many of the Dwarven command cards bring to life an ancient system of rune-based magic, infusing your units with courage while simultaneously strengthening them in combat. In addition, as the general of Runegard you may spend a command action to empower a unit with the rune of Uruz, providing the unit an extra attack die – which lasts until the unit routs or is destroyed.
This deck will expand your Dwarf army with more and new units: Shortbeards (5), Longbeards (4), Dwarven Spearmen (4), Dwarven Miners (4), Dwarven Militia (4), Dwarven Hammermen (4), Dwarven Crossbowmen (5), Dwarven Bowmen (4), Dwarven Battleaxemen (4), Dwarven Ballista (3), Dwarven Axemen (5), Antonian Horsemen (4).