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Battleground: Fantasy Warfare is a point-based miniatures game – but without the miniatures. Battleground uses cards rather than painted models to represent your forces. This means a much lower price as well as easier transportation and setup, but don’t be fooled – this is not a “light” war game or a CCG.
Battleground: Fantasy Warfare is a point-based miniatures game – but without the miniatures. Battleground uses cards rather than painted models to represent your forces. This means a much lower price as well as easier transportation and setup, but don’t be fooled – this is not a “light” war game or a CCG. Battleground is a serious, award-winning wargame that will challenge you at every step, from army design and deployment to tactical maneuvers and command decisions until battle’s end.
Orcs are vicious and aggressive and everything about the Orc army reflects this, from your units to your command cards to your special ability. As general of the Orc army you will keep your enemies constantly on the defensive and no faction is better at turning a break in the enemy line into victory. Skillful (but often cowardly) goblins round out your basic forces and mighty regenerating trolls are an almost unstoppable force. As the leader of the orcish horde you can Lash your troops. For one command action, Lashing a unit increases its movement class by one and gives it an extra attack die for the turn. When battle lines turn into rough melee, this ability will let you take quick advantage of broken formations or routing enemy units, sending your troops in quickly to flank or pinch the enemy.
Units in Orc Starter Deck: Crazed Goblins (2), Goblin Bowmen (3), Goblin Raiders (2), Goblin Spearmen (2), Goblin Wolf Riders (2), Orc Axemen (1), Orc Marauders (1), Orc Spearmen (2), Orc Swordsmen (2), Trolls (1)