Hellas History of the Ancient Sea I

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The Mediterranean Sea during ancient times evokes images of breathtaking coastlines waiting to be explored and legendary civilizations that emerged as dominant forces.

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C/ Julián Zugazagotia, 5 Lonja 2 48003 - BILBAO - España
Game description

The Mediterranean Sea during ancient times evokes images of breathtaking coastlines waiting to be explored and legendary civilizations that emerged as dominant forces.

The game series "History of the Ancient Seas" offers the ultimate adventure into these thrilling eras. Construct new fleets within your city to venture into uncharted territories, conquer islands, and establish a grand empire.

In "HELLAS," the initial installment of the "History of the Ancient Seas" game series, you will assume the role of a leader from one of the renowned City States - Athens or Sparta.

Your objective is to become the preeminent empire in the known world. To accomplish this, you must assemble armies and fleets to bolster your military strength, expand trade routes, conquer islands and provinces, cultivate your military prowess, enhance economic efficiency and culture, all while keeping a watchful eye on the prosperity, happiness, and stability of your populace.

The game unfolds through highly interactive micro-turns. The core of the gameplay revolves around the action cycle: Players select one of the eight available actions. Once an action is chosen by a player, it cannot be selected by the subsequent player. The number of possible actions is limited each turn.

The decision of war or peace rests in your hands! You can expand your empire by leading your people into war. However, war carries substantial costs and uncertain outcomes. Alternatively, you can guide your empire toward a golden age of civilization by maintaining peace, fostering stability, and prosperity among your people, without resorting to war. Offer terms to aggressive adversaries to divert or delay their advances, but always be prepared to defend your empire.

Using 3D wooden playing pieces to represent fleets and legions, you will maneuver them across the exquisitely illustrated map, traversing from the heart of the Hellenistic world to the eastern shores of Persia and the sandy beaches of Sicily in the west. This expansion aims to strengthen your trade network and elevate your trading status.


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