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Special Ops #8 has nine articles, two ASL scenarios, two ASLSK scenarios, and the game Avenge Pearl Harbor.
Featured articles cover Operation Mercury (GTS), It Never Snows (SCS), card play in Avenge Pearl Harbor, Russian setup in Red Barricades (ASL), Dean Essig's design intent behind the various Gamers series of games, Fallschirmjaeger (SCS), tips for playing the Battalion Combat Series (BCS), and designer's notes for last issue's game Autumn For Barbarossa (SCS).
Avenge Pearl Harbor was originally published in Game Journal #60 as Storm Over the Japanese Homeland and allows players to simulate Operation DOWNFALL, the hypothetical invasion of Japan in November 1945. The game uses the same basic system as What Price Glory? Operational cards are used on both attack and defense. Game components include one 22" x 34" map, 200 counters, and 32 cards.