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Special Ops #9 has six articles, two ASL scenarios, two ASLSK scenarios, a Sequence of Play for ASL Starter Kit #4, and the ASL Starter Kit "Hedges" rules and examples of play originally released in the currently out-of-print ASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #1 Beyond the Beaches. The magazine also features the game Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.
Special Ops 9 has six articles, two ASL scenarios, two ASLSK scenarios, a Sequence of Play for ASL Starter Kit #4, and the ASL Starter Kit "Hedges" rules and examples of play originally released in the currently out-of-print ASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #1 Beyond the Beaches. The magazine also features the game Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.
Featured articles cover Front Toward Enemy, a scenario chronology for the Great Campaigns of the American Civil War (GCACW) series, a preview of ASL Starter Kit #4: Pacific Theater of Operations (ASLSK), the employment of Conscripts in Red Factories (ASL), and a designer's preview of Kharkov (VCS).
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, designed by Yasushi Nakaguro and originally published by BonSai Games, covers war, diplomacy, and politics in the Asia-Pacific theater, with one-year turns beginning in 1939 and ending in 1944. The game has one map, eight pages of rules, one player aid card, 24 cards, and 50 1" counters.